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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelBased on the idea of culturally bound politeness, the gratitude expression
as one component of politeness maintenance may as well vary within various
cultural groups. For that reason, it is interesting to observe the gratitude
expression of Chinese ethnic who live in Java, for they may be influenced by at
least two high-context cultures of Javanese and Chinese. Hence, considering the
distinction of totok and peranakan Chinese ethnic in Indonesia, this
sociolinguistic study attempts to reveal the way both totok and peranakan Chinese
Indonesians express their gratitude. Qualitative approach with naturalistic inquiry
is used to make sure that I am emphatically involved with the experience as it is
critical in understanding the phenomenon in study. Two methods, namely
participant observation and interview, make it possible to obtain authentic genuine
data as attached to its context. In the end, the findings suggest that there are
differences in both respondents? gratitude expression. The totok respondent used
implicit gratitude much more often than the explicit, which was the contrary to the
peranakan. The implicit gratitude of the totok was implemented by attending to
the benefactors? positive face, giving gifts, and/ or self denigrating herself.
Moreover, her attempt to attend to the benefactors? positive face was
accomplished by expressing pleasant emotions, praising the benefactors, and
testifying the deed. Meanwhile, the peranakan?s gratitude expression was simpler
than the totok. Her explicit gratitude expression was often accompanied with
repetition and intensifying adverbs to reinforce sincerity. Apart from it, both
respondents seemed to acquire their particular behavior in expressing gratitude
from the particular culture in which they were brought up.