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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelMourning Becomes Electra, a trilogy play by Eugene O?Neill is a
melodramatic play about an incestuous love of Orin Mannon to his mother (Christine
Mannon) and his sister (Lavinia Mannon). Orin Mannon turns his tendency of having
incestuous love for his sister after his mother?s death. In the Freudian theory this kind of
incestuous love is usually called as the Oedipus Complex. It came from the mythology of
Oedipus, a Greek hero who unknowingly killed his own father and married his own
mother. Therefore, the thesis writer intends to find out the influencing factors that lead
and the symptoms of Orin Mannon?s Oedipus Complex. In order to analyze the problem,
the thesis writer uses literary approach since it is dealing with close reading to the main
source. The thesis writer applies literary theory, such as character, characterization and
conflict. She uses literary theory as well as the concept of Oedipus Complex, the concept
of transference and theory of dream in order to help her in analyzing the problem.
Through the analysis the thesis writer finds out that Orin Mannon has the symptoms of
having Oedipus Complex. Orin Mannon?s symptoms of having Oedipus Complex reveals
in her jealousy feeling and hatred towards men around his mother and sister. Moreover, It
is also strengthened by his dream about the South Sea Island that reflects his
unconscious? desire or in other words the tendency of Oedipus Complex within himself.
The dream of the South Sea Island reveals Orin Mannon?s unfulfilled wish since he
cannot release his unconscious desire to get both his mother?s love and affection.
Furthermore, the thesis writer also finds out that his experiences during Orin Mannon?s
childhood influences the development of The Oedipus Complex. Besides, this dream
shows the symptoms, it also represents his inner conflict within his own personally. On
the other hand, the external conflicts that Orin Mannon struggles with his father and the
excessive love from his mother worsen the symptoms of Orin Mannon?s Oedipus
Complex. In addition, the thesis writer concludes that both of Orin Mannon?s parents
contribute the influencing factors that lead Orin Mannon?s Oedipus Complex. Finally,
the thesis writer concludes that all of the symptoms of Orin Mannon?s Oedipus Complex
represent through his jealousy and hatred toward men around his mother and sister, as
well as through his dream about the South Sea Island.