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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis concern with Adela?s character development in E.M. Forster?s A Passage to India In this novel, Adela is described as an English new comer in India who undergoes the difliculties which end to the worst relationship between she and two communities in India. I am interested in analyzing her character development because the worst experience Adela has undergone, leads the worth changing in some aspects of her character traits. Since AdeIa?s character traits as an idealist yet ignorant change to be understanding and realistic, I am curious to know how Adela?s character traits change and what causes the character development. Through the analysis, I want to analyze the process of Ada?s character development. I use library research m order to help me in analyzing and supporting the analysis. Finally, by using literary approaches, namely the theory of characterization and confIict, I find out that Adela?s character traits have
developed though the conflicts that encourage herself to change.