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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelBaby Boomers are facing retirement; Gen X are starting to prepare older
Gen Y to be their successors; and younger Gen Y are entering the workforce. The
new entrants, younger Gen Y are different from the older Gen Y, although they are
of the same generational cohorts. They are at different life stages where the former
are most likely new jobbers, while the latter are those who already more stable in
their career, hence they would have different goals and priorities. It is important to
research on the employee engagement of Indonesian younger Gen Y so that
Indonesian companies can leverage their performance. This study is done to know
whether the following factors: working environment, leadership, team and co:'
worker relationship, training and career development, compensation,
organizational policies, and workplace wellbeing simultaneously and individually
impact the employee engagement of Indonesian younger Gen Y employees.
This research uses simple random sampling by distributing questionnaires
to Indonesian younger Gen Y employees. The data is analyzed using Multiple
Linear Regression. The result shows that aforementioned factors are simultaneously
impacting the employee engagement of Indonesian younger Gen Y employees;
while only team and co-worker relationship and organizational policies are
individually impacting employee engagement.