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The unceasing city: battling stigma on mental illness

Mental illness is a serious issue which is sometimes forgotten and set aside. Many parts of our society still do not see it as an issue we should address considering the effect can be hazardous to individuals. The main theme in this story is that stigma is a never-ending cycle. Through this project, I would like to discuss about how stigma can affect people with mental health problems in their process of recovery. In the story, the main characters are dealing with their own mental health problems as they are trying to battle the negative labels their peers put on them. They have to race the stigma before it consumes them and returns them to their previous state where their mental health problems are disturbing their daily lives. Stigma which is given continuously by the society can damage people, especially those who has mental health problems. The damage may become a part of their lives and change their way of seeing themselves. It may even lower their self-worth when people keep telling them that they are not good enough or even filthy. The struggles of the main characters are mainly trying to have themselves grow stronger than the stigma they are given in their lives.

  • (04515005) Astari
  • Prof. DR. Budi Darma, MA. → Advisor 1
  • Stefanny Irawan, S.S., M.A. → Advisor 2
  • Liliek Soelistyo → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2018
s2 – Graduate Thesis
Sub Category
Tesis No. 01010009/MS/2018; Astari (04515005)

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