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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelPelleting is considered one of the crucial production processes in feed
manufacturing industry, in which has most energy allocation among others. One
of the quality measurement in feed manufacturing is Pellet Durability Index
(PDI). This research has an objective to analyze the effect of several production
factors toward PDI in PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Sidoarjo. Production factors
that become the interests for this research are nutritional content, conditioning
temperature, cooler temperature, particle size, die speed, die thickness, and die
retention time. Those production factors are determined based on the feed
manufacturing theories and operational field condition in PT Japfa Comfeed
Indonesia. The data sample is taken from company documentation using cluster
sampling. For the analytical method, this research will uses multiple regression
analysis, in which can formulate the effect of all factors toward PDI
simultaneously. In addition, the significance of the each variable along with their
effect size can be drawn through this experiment.