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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis entitled "The study of the Main Character?s relationship in
'Secrets' through Illocutionary Acts" is a study of illocutionary acts in one of
teenager novels, Sweet Valley High series, which is written by Kate William, an
American writer. The writer analyzed the conversations between the main
character toward the other characters in seven chapters based on Searle?s theory of
illocutionary acts. The writer wants to answer her research questions about the
most types which are used by the main character toward the other characters to
know her relationship towards the others. She found out that the illocutionary acts
used in "Secrets" are representatives, directives, commissives, and expressives.
The most type of illocutionary acts used by Elizabeth to Enid is directives while
the most type of illocutionary acts used by Elizabeth to Jessica is representatives.
From this finding, it shows that Elizabeth likes to direct Enid, since her highest
type of illocutionary acts is directive. Moreover, in Elizabeth?s relationship with
Jessica, Elizabeth likes to show her state of mind by alluding and stating about