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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelHeart of Darkness is a true story from Conrad?s experiences. This novel
tells about trade between the Africans and the Europeans, exploration of Marlow,
imperialism and colonialism, by King Leopold II who is represent the Europeans.
The important thing about this novel is self-control toward material thing. One
issue that is interesting to analyse by the thesis writer is the characters? connection
to the Seven Deadly Sins. Reading the novel, the writer is interested in analysing
how the Seven Deadly Sins are revealed through Kurtz, The Manager, The
Manager?s Uncle, The Brick maker, The Russian Trader also The Europeans and
The Africans in general. To help her find out the manifestations that make the
character commits the sins, the writer applies three literary theories, they are
characterization, conflict, and setting. To support her analysis, she consults the
concept of Seven Deadly Sins and the historical background of imperialism in
Africa at that time. With these literary approaches, the thesis writer is able to
analyse and find out that the Seven Deadly Sins have brought them into misery.
So only by being careful people can control themselves not to commit the Seven
Deadly sins.