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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelIf a conversation is held, turn taking must take place which means that
there must be changes of the speaker?s turn during the conversation. Strenstrom
theory (1994) divides turn taking strategies into taking the turn strategy, holding
the turn strategy and yielding the turn strategy. Sometimes, there is a dominant
speaker who talks longer than others. However, gender can be one of the some
aspects that can influence someone to be a dominant speaker. Tannen said that
men are more dominant than women in the conversation. Recently, there is an
issue which states that actually women are more dominant than men in the
conversation. Next, the writer chooses the film Pretty Woman as the sources of
this research because the story is very popular and also turn taking is found in the
conversation. Therefore, the writer wants to know the dominant speaker between
the main characters based on gender, especially in using the turn taking strategies.
In this research, the writer uses both qualitative and quantitative research because
the result of the quantitative research can support the final result of this research.
The source of this research is only the main conversation between the main
characters. After analyzing the data by using the Strenstrom?s theory, the writer
finds out that taking the turn is the highest strategy that occurs between the main
characters in Pretty Woman. Another finding is the dominant speaker between the
main characters is a female. Moreover, some characteristics of using the turn
taking strategies that are used by a dominant speaker in dominating other speakers
in this research are using taking the turn strategy, especially uptake, a clean start,
alert. In using those strategies, she usually gives respond and then starts a new
topic again with questioning the previous speaker. Sometimes, the dominant
speaker here gives her respond by using high intonation, so she tends to interrupt
the male speaker who is still talking. Besides, the dominant speaker also uses
holding the turn, especially new start. From the findings, the writer can conclude
that the Tannen?s theory cannot be applied in this research