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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis is about Marianne?s maturity process in Jane Austen?s Sense and
Sensibility. I choose this topic because I am interested in Marianne who is in the
beginning immature; however, at the end of the story, she becomes a mature woman.
The purpose of the thesis is to reveal the process by which Marianne achieves her
maturity. The scope of this thesis is the process of Marianne?s maturity and the
analysis is limited only on the main female character, Marianne. I will use literary
approach and employ as tools the theories of characterization and conflict. I will use
the psychological concepts of immaturity and maturity to support my analysis. From
the analysis, I find out that Marianne changes from unwise to become wise, from
narrow-minded to become broad-minded, from irresponsible to become responsible
and from self-centered to become socio-centered. I find out that Marianne is changing
from an immature woman to become a mature woman after experiencing and facing
conflicts. I finally conclude that the process happening in Marianne?s life is hard and
not easy.