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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelInterruption and Overlap often occurs in a conversation, many linguists
believe that there are various reasons for someone to interrupt or to overlap. This
study is about Interruption and Overlap found in interaction between the teacher
and children on Sunday school class of sector seven in East Java Christian Church
The writer would like to find out who interrupt or overlap more in the
conversation among boys and girls, what reasons used by the children to interrupt
or overlap that occurs in the conversation and Which reason used the most either
by the boys and girls. Based on Wardhaugh?s theory, someone may have some
reason to interrupt or overlap in the conversation. Those reasons are asking for
help, seek clarification, requesting for clarification or repetition, correcting,
disagreeing and rejecting some points. The writer used the descriptive approach to
her study by collecting the data of spoken form of the conversation between the
children and the teacher. The findings of the study show that boys interrupt and
overlap more than girls. The most reason of interruption that produced by boys is
requesting a repetition and the most reason of overlap that produced by boys is for
seeking clarification.