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Persuasive strategies through the illocutionary acts of Alex, Gloria and Marty in persuading each other in Madagaskar

Persuasion is an interesting topic to be discussed. As a communication
process of altering other?s belief, value and attitude, persuasion can be
accomplished through persuasive strategies that are co-active and combative
strategies (Simons, 1976). These strategies need to be communicated and
illocutionary act as the act of what one does in saying something (Austin, 1962)
can communicate the persuasive strategies. The source of the data is
?Madagascar?, in which the three main characters there, Alex, Gloria and Marty,
like to persuade each other. The writer used descriptive qualitative approach.
Based on the data analysis, the writer found the relation between illocutionary act
and persuasive strategy that can be seen from the illocutionary act in each
persuasive strategy. Co-active strategies have 16 illocutionary acts and combative
strategies have 9 illocutionary acts. Co-active strategies has more illocutionary
acts rather than combative strategies because in this kind of conversation
(persuasive communication), the persuaders there like to use subtle ways and
emphasize on their friendship while persuading. This research is useful for anyone
who is interested in Persuasion and its relationship to the illocutionary acts of the
persuader. In addition, this research helps the readers to be more critical as a
persuader and persuadee.

  • (11403092) ASISKA WITONO
  • Aylanda Dwi Nugroho → Advisor 1
  • Samuel Gunawan → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2007
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011670/ING/2007; Asiska Witono (11403092)

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