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Code mixing in the article Blue Sauna Eropa Timur of Jakarta Undercover 2: Karnaval Malam

This study concerns with the codes and the types of code mixing used in
the article Blue Sauna Eropa Timur of Jakarta Undercover 2: Karnaval Malam.
The writer was interested in investigating code mixing because the Indonesian
community is a multilingual community. In the multilingual community, people
tend to use two or more codes in their communication, which is called code
mixing. The writer focused her study on the use of code mixing and the types of
code mixing occurring in the article Blue Sauna Eropa Timur of Jakarta
Undercover 2: Karnaval Malam. The writer used Lumintaintang?s study (1998,
pp. 33-35) to identify the Jakartanese code and Harijatiwidjaja and Hastuti?s study
(1995, p. 39) to identify the Javanese code. To identify the types of code mixing,
the writer used Kachru?s theory (1982, p. 39). Finally, the writer found out that
the codes used in the article were Indonesian, Jakartanese, Javanese and English.
Besides the code used, the writer also found out that not all of the types of code
mixing stated by Kachru, occurred in the article. From the five types of code
mixing, the writer found four types that occurred in the article. After the writer
found out the findings, the writer hoped that this study will be useful as an
additional reference for those who want to make a further research on code

  • (11403038) SOESANTI
  • Josefa Juniarti Mardijono → Advisor 1
  • Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2007
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011726/ING/2007; Soesanti (11403038)

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