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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelPenataan elemen struktural untuk menyederhanakan perilaku dinamik, dalam keterpaduan dengan desain arsitektur | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penataan elemen struktural yang dapat lebih efektif menyederhanakan perilaku dinamik struktur terhadap gempa bumi, dan tidak merusak keterpaduan antara rancangan arsitektural dengan rancangan struktural. Sebagai studi kasus digunakan prototipe yang merupakan bagian tower dari Gedung Intiland Tower Jakarta. Penelitian diawali dengan membuat dan menganalisis model eksisting ...
Primary stage of pakis-stem-block system as thermal protective to flat bare concrete rooftop in tropical climate of Surabaya | In the era of global warming and increasing urban heat island condition, flat concrete deck on shop-houses may be less sustainable to handle the excessive solar heat radiation impacts on the roof surfaces. Innovative alternative roofing system is needed to manage heat radiation that will lead to sustainable factors likes energy ...
Cradle to cradle in urban planning; putting eco-effectiveness into urban planning practice | Cradle to Cradle is a well-known sustainability concept introduced by Braungart and McDonough. It is a concept about how a product can be designed from the outset so that, after their useful lives, they will provide nourishment for something new, thus 'waste equals food' (Braungart and McDonough, 2002). This eco-effective principle has been ...
The ?Duo?, building setback and landscape quality: lautech (Nigeria) neighbourhood examined | The subjects, building setbacks and landscape quality, can be considered as 'duo' in view of their interwoven relationships as major determinants of open space quality in residential neighbourhoods. In view of the numerous benefits and functions of residential open spaces, these were examined in LAUTECH neighbourhood. The purpose was to assess ...
Industrialization and informal sector in shaping the city: case study Ahmedabad-India | Industrial activity is a prime determinant in shaping city size and growth opportunities especially in developing country, like India. Since industrialization started in Ahmedabad in 1950s, the city becomes larger and larger in terms of population and size. The growth of Ahmedabad city is highly affected by three urban generators on ...
The Morphological framework of the Chinese and the European districts in Surabaya, 1787-2005 | Recently, the phenomena of economic boom during the 1990s have led to the physical restructuring within the old centre of Surabaya. The changes is inevitable, thus the real issue is how to find the elements of persistent, constraining development to some degree that could be applied to influence future development. The ...
Thermal performance of rooftop greenery system at the tropical climate of Malaysia: a case study of a 10 storied building R.C.C flat rooftop at UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia | In tropical countries rooftop greenery is more sympathetic to the prevailing climate and provides comfortable indoor environment. This paper analyses the above hypothesis on a 10 storied residential apartments in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The analysis of actual performance of the rooftop greenery can provide the information on effectiveness of its application on contemporary ...
The Characteristics of the self-support stilt-houses towards the disaster potentiality at the Cambaya coastal area, Makasar | Self-support stilt-houses at the coastal area have environment characteristics that are different from inland houses, and they have the disaster potentiality such as hurricanes, tidal waves, abrasion, earthquakes, and even tsunami. The stilt houses are very adaptable to climatic conditions and coastal disasters. The shape of the stilt houses at the coastal area ...
The Character context in the development of Jayengrono Park | The aim of the research is to examine the context of the Willemsplein development. Willemsplein was a public urban-square in Dutch colonial era (plein) at Jembatan Merah area. Willemsplein, which in the following time became Surabaya urban heritage, changes into a private memorial park which is known as Taman Jayengrono (Jayengrono Park). The ...
Urbanization, housing and infrastructural, and facilities in Lagos, Nigeria | There is a wide range of demand on Lagos as an urban centre and pragmatic approaches to complement the urbanization process and its attendant problems need urgent attention. The dynamism of Lagos as an urban centre cannot be stopped, but precautionary measures can be taken to nip the bud in the anticipated fallouts ...
The Settlement of stren-kali Wonokromo?Surabaya: the city image based on the development of marginal society | As human beings the poor people in informal settlements also have the right to live better like any other well-off people. Although the government regards them as illegal, they demonstrate great ingenuity in developing their residential neighborhoods. Public spaces are the living room for the people living in the informal settlements - the ...
Relasi kekuasaan dan arsitektur: dari dekonstruksi ke sustainable city | Sistem politik dan kekuasaan, seperti elemen kebudayaan lainnya memiliki relasi dengan ekspresi arsitektur atau lingkungan binaan. Terlebih lagi, ketika kekuasaan dipandang sebagai faktor dominan yang menentukan proses-proses dan transaksi-transaksi sosial budaya antara peran negara di satu sisi dengan partisipasi rakyat di sisi lainnya. Telaah ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa ternyata terdapat relasi yang paralel baik ...
Manajemen pengajaran di studio disain arsitektur | Aktivitas kerja desain di sebuah studio jurusan aritektur melibatkan tidak hanya mahasiswa, tetapi membutuhkan kehadiran pembimbing, dosen tamu, calon pengguna, dan professional (baca: praktisi). Setiap individu yang terlibat mempunyai peran yang berbeda-beda sesuai kompetensinya, sedangkan keterlibatan antar individu tidak sekedar dilakukan dengan cara asistensi. Aktivitas di studio bukanlah sekedar aktivitas "mahasiswa bertanya dan pembimbing menjawab", ...
The Verdical mental maps as an input for the urban design process: a case study of the town of Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia | This study examines the veridicality of the mental maps of 100 residents of the town of Gianyar. In this case the veridicality measured was the level of accuracy of the Balinese worldview and cosmology captured by the mental maps. The information is useful for the urban design purposes, particularly as inputs in the maintenance ...
Evaluation of energy performance using DOE-2 energy simulation program in Singapore | Recently, due to worldwide energy cost rising significantly, there has been an essential need to minimize the energy consumption. This global warning address many countries including Singapore realizing the important of energy efficiency in industries and buildings. This paper deals with analyzing the energy consumption of an 11-storey commercial building in Singapore using DOE-2 ...
Analisa luminasi langit dengan metode rasio awan | Data luminansi dan radiasi surya merupakan bagian yang sangat menentukan dalam proses perancangan bangunan. Dalam kenyataannya, banyak arsitek dan ahli bangunan di Indonesia yang masih menggunakan hasil penelitian yang berdasarkan pada data pengukuran yang diperoleh dari negara lain. Dalam upaya investigasi ketersediaan data luminansi di daerah tropik yang hingga saat ini sangat terbatas, suatu ...
Strategi aplikasi sel surya (photovoltaic cells) pada perumahan dan bangunan komersial | Krisis energi dunia dan tingginya harga sumber energi (minyak) di belahan dunia Eropa dan Barat menyebabkan innovasi dalam pemanfaatan energi alternatif yang tidak menimbulkan polusi udara CO2 maupun radioaktif (nuclear power). Energi Sel Surya adalah jawaban tepat dalam menciptakan suatu lingkungan hidup dalam lingkup perumahan maupun bangunan komersial yang ramah lingkungan, abadi, dan gratis ...
Ecosustainable high-rise: the environmentally conscious architecture of skyscraper | The term "green architecture" is related to evolving architecture which is sensitive to the environment and emerges from the environmental awareness due to the effects of destruction of air, water, energy and earth. It is characterized by improving energy efficiency, sustainability concept and holistic approach of the entire building enterprise, where all of the ...
Studi ruang bersama dalam rumah susun bagi penghuni berpenghasilan rendah | Secara nasional, Surabaya berperan dalam pembangunan wilayah; sedangkan lingkup regional sebagai pusat pengembangan wilayah propinsi, konsekwensinya timbul arus urbanisasi besar-besaran dari desa ke kota. Disebabkan kondisi kota tidak siap menerima, timbul kekumuhan karena pencari kerja membutuhkan tempat tinggal. Peremajaan merupakan alternatif menertibkan kota, dan menempatkan warga kedalam Rumah Susun. Disimpulkan bahwa ; adanya ruang bersama, ...
Penerapan konsep perencanaan dan pola jalan dalam perencanaan realestat di Surabaya | Konsep perencanaan dan pola jalan merupakan dua hal utama dalam perencanaan realestat. Secara teori dalam perencanaan realestat terdapat tiga (3) konsep perencanaan yaitu konsep neotradisional atau konvensional, cluster dan Planned Unit Development (PUD). Dari 53 realestat yang ada di Surabaya sebagian besar (92,45%) menerapkan konsep neotraditional. Hal ini dapat dipahami, pertama karena konsep yang ...