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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelWaiting chair for Fren customer service centre | This chair was designed with the concept "Young and Hip". "Young" describes dynamic, sporty, and active, meanwhile "Hip" describes trendy, up to date, and fashionable. Its shape were round, minor ornament, and simple and the colors were red carmine and silver.
Prudential Insurance waiting chair's | This chair was designed from the philosophy of "bow" and arrow", the design process were focused in the accuracy, precision and full of calculation in designing and choosing material. This chair was designed with the streamline concept.
"Cross Net": waiting room's chair | Design concept of this chair was dynamic and fresh. Have many characteristic consists of fun, comfort, unique, all age, etc. This style was modern pop. The material were pipe metal, plat metal, oscar fabric, and sponge. Colors were green apple, and grey. Shape were dynamic shape, unsimetry. The finishing were chrome, ...
Waiting seats for Siloam Hospital Surabaya | Designed in order to encourage the patients to trust. There is miracle, there is hope that will give them new strength to fight their fearness. Green refers to fresh, growth, life, and hope, fertile, the new reborn. Yellow refers to dignity love, deep understanding between one anothers.
Women: perancangan kursi tunggu Marine France Bodyline | Konsep perancangan kursi tunggu Marine France Bodyline adalah women's body. Feminin dalam pengertian lembut, sifat wanita, gemulai. Bentuk seperti lekuk tubuh wanita. Warna soft, pink. Struktur menggunakan sandaran tangan dan punggung. Tekstur lembut. Material yang dipilih adalah: stainless (rangka) finishing, spon dan kain oscar pink.
The Pizza chair | The Motive of the bag and leg of the chair are inspired by a slice of warm and elastic pizza. Which share moment and togetherness like a friendship. Material steel square, sponge, safira (big), suede.
Lounge: waiting chair furniture design 2007 for Indra's salon | Concept this design is lounge. The meaning of relax, cozy, friendly, comfort. I choose the lounge concept because some activities at this salon are similar with activities at longe.
Disain kursi ruang tunggu Kantor Kontraktor dan Konsultant Interior dan Arsitektur Ideal Architecture | Konsep yang diambil disini adalah konsep SIMPLE DAN DINAMIS. Dimana konsep simple diambil karena mengikuti bentuk logo yang cenderung simple. Dan konsep dinamis diambil dari garis lengkung yang terdapat pada logo tersebut. Sehingga dari bentuk yang simple tersebut terdapat suatu sifat yang dinamis. Konsep bentuk menggunakan bentuk yang simple/sederhana (geometris), tanpa ...
Elegant conford; kursi ruang tunggu stasiun televisi JTV di Surabaya | Konsep disain kursi ruang tunggu ini adalah 2Tone in customize, sedangkan temanya adalah elegant conford. Konsep warna: merah, hitam, crom, transparan. Konsep bentuk geometrik. Konsep material: metal sheet, akrilik, spons, kulit sintetis.
Rhytm of following water: kursi tunggu stasiun televisi JTV | Ide dasar dari disain kursi tunggu stasiun televisi JTV ini adalah Coorporate Identity -> orang yang sedang mencoba untuk selalu mengembangkan dirinya, semangat, bergairah, suka tantangan, dan berjiwa muda. Tema yang diambil adalah Rhytm of following water -> waterfall (dinamis, berjiwa muda, fresh, transparant). ...
Girl body: kursi ruang tunggu Smile Photo Studio | Disain kursi ruang tunggu ini bertema girl body dengan konsep dinamis, menarik, dan sensual.
Udara: kursi ruang tunggu Bandara Internasional Juanda | Tema dari disain kursi ruang tunggu Bandara Internasional Juanda ini adalah udara, sedangkan konsepnya adalah "fresh": Filosofinya: mengalir (dinamis), sejuk, flexible, satu kesatuan (unity).
Beauty, style and fashion; waiting chair of Smile Photo Studio | Disain kursi ini memiliki konsep VOGUE and SUNLIT. VOGUE: Terkenal, maksudnya PHOTO STUDIO SMILE cukup populer di kalangan remaja, jadi diharapkan kita bisa mendesain kursi ruang tunggu yang bisa dijadikan harga diri dan kebanggaan tempat tersebut. SUNLIT: bersinar, terang, gembira dengan menggunakan warna-warna yang sesuai dengan corporate identitynya yaitu putih, ...
Juanda's waiting chair | This waiting chair is removed from Juanda's chair with a new concept, Hero Juanda is one of the hero from Surabaya. Like yhe hero the chair is masculine and spiritfull that can show from its shape. It has flexibility from the ingredient that I use that are metals and wood . ...
Hospital's waiting chair | This waiting chair has corporate values: integrity, ethical professional, service orientation, long term commitment. Colors are blue color symbolized faith and silver color symbolized optimism and strength and also professional. Forms are geometric form symbolized hospital Institution, circle symbolized belief and service orientation, square symbolized strength, commitment and professional, triangle symbolized ...
I care i do: waiting chair |
Extreme mataline: waiting chair | Creating a comfortable and interested can be as the problem solving. Extreme metaline is made through the choice of the concept of this chair. Most of material are steel and the competition was sided. Black was the choosen color that can make this product look more stronger and misterious.
Tatal garden furniture | Tatal adalah cungkilan, potongan atau serpihan kayu yang terbuang. Tatal menjadi sebuah konsep ekologis yang arif sekaligus cerdas ketika dirangkai menjadi sebuah ikatan solid. Ikatan tatal merupakan genius loci Nusantara yang mampu mencakup nilai-nilai modernitas. Desain furniture ini menjadi desain terbaik dan desainernya meraih juara I Nasional, furniture garden yang diselenggarakan ...
Torajanese dining chair | The Concept of this chair design is "Tongkonan House". The metaphors of wrecking pinisi ship at engkareng. Materials using commonly found materials in Toraja, South Sulawesi: wicker, sandalwood, & bamboo. Colors applying identical colors of Toraja: red - litak mararang, symbolizes the human life; yellow - litak mariri, symbolizes blessing from ...
Design of Bataknese dining chair | The house of Batak Toba, 'Rumah Bolon', is of a rectangle shape and is usually inhabited by 5 to 6 families. To enter the house, they must climb up a ladder which is located in the middle and has an odd number of steps. When someone wants to enter the house, ...