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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelRepresentasi kecantikan dalam iklan kosmetik The Face Shop | Beauty often described as a female quality. Different from other cosmetic commercials who used female as their star, The Face Shop cosmetic product from South Korea used male artist as their product endorser. The researcher interested in reading the representation of beauty in The Face Shop product commercial with semiotics method and the theory of ...
Media, teknologi dan masyarakat gender & website | Gender and sexuality have alikeness in biological basis to sex, and both of them are social construction, yet they are different because of being established by different social bases. Gender is also a cultural construction that is open in nature for all of changes. Therefore, the two concepts are freq uently misunderstood as if ...
Presiden SBY dan politik pencitraan : analisis teks pidato presiden SBY dengan pendekatan retorika Aristoteles di situs | Systematically rhetoric knowledge was firstly developed in Greece. The first systematic elucidation on speech cleverness in Greek is well known as Techne Rhetorike, it means knowledge on speaking arts. In world history, speech cleverness was a primary instrument to influence masses. Language was used to convince others. Such capability is generally owned by prominent figures ...
Public relations (PR) dan kesalahpahaman publik atas pemaknaan sebuah profesi | Practice of public relations have recently led to negative concepts and tended to blur the original concept launched by PR founders. But actually the case is PR is about reputation, taking form of a number of images given to organizations by its public. Image itself has a definition as a reflection of organization?s reality, ...
Metodologi kuantitatif dalam penelitian komunikasi | In many cases, qualitative and q uantitative researches are different, although there are a lot of alikeness too, complementing to each other. All of social researchers have systematically collected and analyzed empirical data and carefully examined their patterns in order to understand and explain social life.Differences between qualitative and q uantitative life can create confusion ...
Khalayak maya dalam media online: studi reception analysis tentang interaktivitas pada teks | Internet as a global computer-network that combine image, motion-pictures, text, and audio-visual. Internet has differentiated itself from earlier media types through what is called as interactivity. Interactivity is an uniqueness of internet media particularly in terms of its contents, such as feedback mechanism through email (electronic mail), online chat-room or live interviews. Its information is ...
Hubungan antara kampanye kandidat kepala daerah dan perilaku pemilih partisipasi politik wanita (studi pada ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala daerah di Kabupaten Sukoharjo) | How does the candidate have to campaign her/his self to be recognized by its citizens? Not all regions have mass media publication, such as newspaper and television. They only have RSPD and private radio station. Therefore, It?s necessarily to carry on the election for the candidate directly in order to be ...
Menakar kekuatan dan keunggulan industri televisi lokal di era otonomi | The development of industrial television has two sides. In one hand, it gives blessing but on the other hand posses some disadvantages. In autonomy era since 1999, all regional administratives have big opportunities to establish television station. Therefore, they are competing to invite some investors to come. Such as, Bali Post ...
Moblog sebagai konvergensi new media | Moblog refers to blogging activities through mobile devices such as PDA and cell phone. Moblog is developed from previous well known computer used media application called blog. With the improvement of communication technology development, mobile blog activity can be done through cellular phone. Moblog is a form of new media convergence, ...
Representasi nasionalisme dalam iklan korporat Pt. Gudang Garam, Tbk | Representation of Nationalism in Corporate Advertising of PT. Gudang Garam Tbk. Nationalism is a psychological condition in which somebody surrenders his loyalty to nation state in the name of a nation. While representation is something refers to message, by which reality is encoded in communication; by words, sound, image, or their ...
Budaya populer dalam kemasan program televisi | Culture is people?s way of life, views and values. Learning about culture means learning about language, communication and elements of culture, but more than that culture in our world today deals with what are the trends and act as popular items. We acknowledge popular culture as the culture that represents insubordination ...
Penerapan manajemen krisis di Indonesia: memotret krisis dalam kacamata public relations | Public relations as a proactive management function, which performs the effort of monitoring trends, events, issues that may arise and distract the important relationships in a company. The continuous monitoring effort done by the Public Relations through informal relationship, and others, may give big benefit to the company when the crisis ...
Dunia cyberspace Baudrillardian "The Matrix" | Baudrillard, following Barthes, noted the movements which easily altered to visual experience where driver or viewer interacted with image, than with physical world (Ecstasy 13). Other than metaphorical transformation from physical world to image "on" a windshield, "cyberspace" provides simulations behind monitor screen. What?s real will no longer as a reference ...
Penelitian khalayak dalam perspektif reception analysis | Reception analysis provides a means of understanding media texts by understanding how these texts are read by audiences. Theorists who analyze media through reception studies are concerned with the experience of media (print, broadcasting, online media) and it takes a closer look at what is actually going on. Reception analysis concentrates ...
Nilai dan gaya hidup masyarakat di dalam media | The role of media can be summed up as having the interdependent level in society, especially culture and society?s way of life. In reality, the existences of media depend on society. On of the way to understand its audience is to understand its society. Through lifestyle, media will understand how they ...
Media komunikasi pilihan karyawan dalam aliran pesan dari atasan ke bawahan (downward communication) | In an organization, to ensure the succeed of an organizational communi-cation, we need to have a good communication between superiors and sub-ordinates (downward communication), but very often there are mixed communi-cation in the lower level due to the incomplete information by the time a message reached the lower level employee. The ...
Analisis isi topik diskusi interaktif mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka dalam fitur "Froum Komunitas UT Online" | One of problems faced by institution which carries out long distance learning system is lack interaction between students with lecturer. To solve this problems, universitas terbuka (UT) where media internet condeneted a facility of community forum service in UT website. This research aim is to descript UT student interaction pattern in ...
Analisis film Artificial Intelligence (AI) pada aspek sosial, kultural, dan teknologi | Why do we have such interest in analyzing a movie? Because movie is interesting and, yet, ambiguous. On one side, a movie is rich with elements of postmodernism. On the other side, movie is filled with real representation of social realities that occurred in real world; where human unable to accept ...
The characteristics of online version of national newspapers in Indonesia and the Philippines | Media online menyajikan cara baru dalam menyiarakan informasi. Di era reformasi, suratkabar/koran menyediakan cara baru untuk mewartakan melalui media online. Karakteristiknya mencakup, hipertektualitas, multimedia dan interaktif. Semua itu dijadikan sarana menjembatani pertukaran informasi. Tiga koran di Indonesia dan di Philipina dipilih untuk diteliti dengan menggunakan media online. Temuannya adalah ternyata media ...
When media and politics collide: the involvement of Indonesian media practitioners in politics in the wake of democracy`` | Keterlibatan praktisi media dalam politik adalah topik yang kontroversial, khususnya sejak Indonesia menginjak era demokratisasi. Banyak yang berang-gapan bahwa pemilik media dan jurnalis seharusnya dilarang untuk memasuki politik, apalagi untuk memegang jabatan di pemerintahan. Masuknya mereka ke dalam politik memperkuat pendapat bahwa politik hanya menguntungkan kaum yang berkuasa. Pada penghujung tahun ...