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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis research was on translated text of Overtones
,a drama by Alice Gestensberg which was translated by the students of English
Department of Petra Christian University. The writer was eager to find out the
commonest content transfer problems occurring in the translated text of Overtones
from English into Surabaya Variety of Javanese used by Chinese speakers and to
check whether the problem causes some effects on the original meaning. The data
were taken from the sentences in Overtones text. The writer focused more on the
problematic sentences, based on the commonest content transfer problems by
Nida & Taber (1982) and other related theory and references. It was found that
there are one hundred and ten cases dealing with seven types of commonest
content transfer problems. Then, there are fifty two problematic sentences dealing
with meaning change. Therefore, to make a good translation without changing the
original meaning, the translator should be more aware of the existence of the
commonest content transfer problems.