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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe substitution leader from Xu Wu to Yikai Wu in Ni Hao WOK &
Cuisine becomes the concentration for the researchers to start this research. The
writers look for the connection between the leadership styles toward the
employee?s satisfaction and then summarize it into one statement i.e "How does
the leadership style influence employee?s satisfaction in service area in Ni Hao
WOK & Cuisine? "
The research method for this thesis is causal research and the researchers
chose survey method with questionnaires as the instrument. In this research, the
writers spread 3 kinds of questionnaires viz. MLQ self rater for manager, MLQ
rater version and Employee?s Satisfaction Questionnaire for employee.
The data which has been collected are processed by using SPSS version
17.00. The writers also test the validity and reliability of questionnaires with
analysis factor and Alpha Conbrach?s which is also included in SPSS program. To
find out the answer from the problem statement, the researchers use Spearman
Rank correlation. The results show that the leadership styles have an influence
toward employee?s satisfaction and the correlation between those two variables is
From the result, the researchers can conclude that the style which is used
by Yikai Wu as the new leader in Ni Hao WOK & Cuisine can make his
employee satisfied but only in certain things. So Yikai Wu must improve his style
so the employee will feel more satisfied.