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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesls analyzes feminism ln Thomas Hardyes
Jude the Obscure. It focuses on the two malor female
characters, Sue Brldehead and Arabella Donn, whose
attitude and behavior reveal feminlsm ideas along the
aspects of Job s education , laws on marriage and dlvoree
and sexuality .
Feminlsm ls a strlklng movement that fights for
women-s rlghts and the equality of women and men in
every aspect of human life . Tn the nlneteenth century,
it faced many obstacles beeause lt challenged the Victorlan
standard of feminlty.
The female characters ln Jude the Obseure are
unique and interesting beeeuse they do not conform to
the Vletorian standard of woman. They are strong,
actlve and have vigorous bodles and minds in their
struggle in a world that sublugated them to male-s power
and domlnatlon. They dare to take the lnltlatlve to
declde what ls best for them on thelr own and strongly
exprese the deslre for freedom in governing their own
llves .