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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelInterrogation is a process of thorougly questioning someone who is
suspected to have made a mistake or commited a crime. The Purpose of
interrogation to gather information and to get a confession from the suspect is
important for judicial process. One kind of formal interrogation occurs between
the police and the suspects, and this interrogation is a more complex form
compared to the other type of conversation like interview. The reason is that the
suspects generaly do not want to co-operate and admit their crime. This is to be
expected since the suspects do not want to be punished. Therefore, they will
attempt to withold the information and refuse to confess to a crime. As a result of
the conflicting motives, police officers have to work hard and use several
techniques to get a confession from the suspects. The Writer in this study sets out
to learn about the types of questions and techniques used by the police and
suspects as well as the sequences of techniques which commonly occur during the
interrogation process. The Answers to those questions can be found by applying
the theory of exchange as linguistic theory and principles of interrogation to
determine the techniques. For the methodology, she uses qualitative approach to
collect the data and focuses the analysis in some cases like Pickpocketing, Fraud
and Attempted Murder. After a thorough analysis, the findings show that
Identification Question as the type of question. Cornering as the police’s
technique. Minimizing the Guilt as the suspect’s technique, Cornering-
Minimizing the Guilt as the sequence of technique that mostly occured in the
interrogation. In conclusion, the occurrence of Identification Question shows the
need to get as much information related to the case that is being investigated, hi
order to get some answers, the police officers comer the suspects in order to limit
the suspect’s space. The facts show that Cornering-Minimizing the Guilt occurred
the most, but Comering-Evading occurred almost the same . This clearly shows
that there is a cross purpose between the police and the suspects. Moreover, when
the suspects are being cornered, it is very hard for them to keep witholding the
information. Therefore, they minimize their guilt to reduce the appearance of any
wrongdoing and to avoid harsh punishment.