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A Study disagreement strategies produced by career women and housewives in Sidoarjo

Disagreement is one of language functions that considered an act, which by its
nature threatens someone?s positive face. Since disagreement is one of face
threatening acts, it is also the source of many miscommunications in daily social
interactions. Many linguists believe that certain social factors, such as status, effects
the way people express language functions. Therefore, the writer was interested in
analyzing how career women and housewives express their disagreement. The writer
wants to see the differences and the similarities of strategies they used in expressing
disagreement. In conducting this research, the writer used descriptive approach in
order to gain a more holistic picture of the way career women and housewives
express disagreement to their husband. Using a discourse completion test, which
consisted of five situations, collected the data. The writer asks ten respondents (five
career women and five housewives) to respond to the situations and record their
answers. The data then were analyzed by classifying the respondents into the eight
disagreement strategies proposed by Garcia. The findings of the study show that
career women mostly used confrontational strategies and housewives mostly used
non-confrontational. Career women and housewives are different in using
disagreement strategies like challenge, refusing to cooperate, order, strong denial,
giving reasons and expression of willingness to cooperate. They also have the
similarity in using disagreement strategies like criticism of a third party and down
toned suggestion.

  • (11499072) LIZA OKTAVIA
  • Julia Eka Rini → Advisor 1
  • Esther Kuntjara → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2003
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 1136/ING/2003; Liza Oktavia (11499072)

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