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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelRatu Culinair B.V is a producer of conventional Indonesian peanut sauce
and snacks that uphold a strong vision and mission to deliver the natural and high
quality of the products to the customer. The company currently only targets the
small Asian supermarket spread in the Netherlands as the main distribution of the
products and found that this current market is not the right place to distribute their
newly launched product since the sales are stagnant compared to the other
products. Furthermore, based on the company's vision, the company wants to
expand their product in the future, since the company needs to extend the product
Iifecycle in the current market. According to the research, spots a huge
opportunity for the company to enter the organic-certified food market. Therefore,
the right marketing strategy needs to be proposed to give the insight of what the
company should do with the product in the future. Focus group interview was also
conducted to study the new marketing mix that should be implemented when
executing the strategy.