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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis study is about women's gossip and speech features. The writer focuses her study on the speech features that are produced by female students of Petra Christian University while gossiping in campus. This study of language varieties is elaborated into the investigations of the relationship between the gossips talked about with the speech features produced. In this study, the writer noted and recorded the conversations among the female students of Petra Christian University from any subjects for four months until she got ten conversations from this observation. By separating each utterance, the writer is able to identify what types of gossip served and what kind of speech features used. As the next step of the analysis, the writer identifies the relationship between topics of gossip with the speech features. The finding shows that there are indeed certain characteristics of women's speech features as seen through their gossip. By investigating the topics of gossip, they serve mainly 'house-talk' and `chatting' while the speech features are mainly `lexical hedges or fillers' and `intensifiers'. It is also discovered that the topics of gossip have a big influence on speech features that occur. The participants use certain speech features based on the topics of gossip they apply.