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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis study is the study of apology strategies used by students of Petra
Christian University. In this study, the writer observes whether or not relationship
and degree of offense affect the students? choice in using apology strategies. Other
factors, such as age, culture, gender, etc are excluded. The research questions to be
answered in this study are (1) What types of apology strategies are used by the
students of Petra Christian University in the slight degree situation to a friend?; (2)
What types of apology strategies are used by the students of Petra Christian
University in the slight degree situation to a stranger? (3) What types of apology
strategies are used by the students of Petra Christian University in the serious
degree situation to a friend? And (4) What types of apology strategies are used by
the students of Petra Christian University in the serious degree situation to a
stranger? By using the theory of Apology Strategies written by Trosborg (1987)
and Olshtain and Cohen (1983, citied in Wolfson, 1989), the writer does his study.
From this study, it reveals that the most frequently used strategy is the expression
of apology and added by some other strategies such explanation. The result shows
that the combination of apology strategies was used and it is affected also by level
of intimacy and degree of offense. The result of the study also reveals that degree
of offense and social distance affects the way people apology.