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An Analysis on the refusal style of the male and female adults in Pasuruan

As her fulfillment of one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana S-1, the thesis-writer takes an analysis on the refusal of an invitation/offer/request of the male and female adults in Pasuruan as her topic. The reason why she takes it is that she is curious to know whether a gender distinction has a role in determining the use of refusal answer. Furthermore, she also wants to know what kinds of refusal that are mostly used by both male and female adults in Pasuruan. As the main theory, she uses Kartomihardjo's theory of refusal. However, she also uses another theory from Levinson and Mc. Carthy as the supporting theories. In conducting her research, the thesis-writer uses two sets of role-plays that consist of 18 situations each. The first set is made for the male adults and the second one is for the female adults. The role-plays are designed to be as close as possible to the real fife situation. After gathering the data, she then tries to analyze it based on the combining theories in which the thesis-writer explains it in detail in chapter II. The result of the analysis shows that reason is number one position of being the type that is mostly used by both male and female adults in Pasuruan. The finding also shows that gender, sometimes, has a role in determining the use of refusal types.

  • (11496071) CICI HYANNY BERLIAN R.Z.
  • "ABBAS A.BADIB, Pof.DR.MA.,MA." → Advisor and Examination Committee
  • Esther Kuntjara → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2001
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 923; Cici Hyanny Berlian R.Z. (11496071)

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