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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis is a study about the refusal strategies toward an order used by male and
female shop-assistants at Plaza Tunjungan Surabaya. It is analyzed based on
Garcia?s refusal strategies (1989) supported by Kartomihardjo?s refusal strategies
(1993). It concerns the refusal strategy to an order by shop assistants in Plaza
Tunjungan Surabaya. The data were taken from 40 respondents: 20 male shop
assistants and 20 female shop assistants in Plaza Tunjungan Surabaya. The
research found that the male shop-assistants preferred to use reason/explanation,
mitigated refusal, expression of regret/sorrow, and direct refusal, while the female
shop-assistants preferred to use reason/explanation, expression of regret/sorrow,
direct refusal and mitigated refusal. Furthermore, the writer found that both the
males and females used the same refusal strategies, but the female shopsassistants
used direct refusal more than the male shop-assistants, while the male
shop-assistants used mitigated refusal more than the female shop-assistants. In
addition, the writer found that the respondents were used the same pattern in
expressing their refusal and the pattern is expression of regret/sorrow - mitigated
refusal/direct refusal - reason/explanation.