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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis present research is conducted to find out the code switching
phenomenon which is produced by the conversation of two Ambonese students of
Petra Christian University. This research is aimed to investigate the types of code
switching and also the factors influencing code switching produced by the two
Ambonese students. The writer mainly based his research on the theories from
Holmes (1992) and Wardhaugh (2006). This research used qualitative approach.
The writer got the data from the conversations of two Ambonese students of Petra
Christian University. The writer used five steps in analyzing the data. Firstly, the
writer observed the conversation of two Ambonese students of Petra Christian
University by listening and recording the conversation in the first of August.
Secondly, the writer chooses the utterances that consisted of code switching.
Thirdly, the writer wrote down the data into table. The final step is to analyze the
data based on the types and the factors of code switching. After the writer had
analyzed the utterances of the conversations, the writer found several findings.
The conversation produced two types and four factors of code switching. The
types of code switching were situational code switching and metaphorical code
switching. The factors of code switching were participants, solidarity (affective
functions), status, and topic. The most frequent factor is the participant, in which
the dominant code was Ambonese. The least factor of code switching is status and
topic. The writer found that the number of topic was the same as status.