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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelFrom his observation the writer suspects that Sura -
baya dialect of Javanese may influence the dialect of
bahasa Indonesia spoken by ethnic Chinese students of
Petra Christian University.This may be because Surabaya
dialect of Javanese is the colloquial language for the
students.Most of the students often use the dialect in
their very informal speech.
The first problem of the study is to establish a
statement whether the dialect of bahasa Indonesia spoken
by ethnic Chinese students which so called the approxima -
tive system is influenced by the dialect of Javanese or
not.The second problem is;if it is true that the Jav -
anese influences the dialect,what is the extent of the
Establishing the relation among the three variables;
the Approximative system of Bahasa Indonesia,the standard
dialect of Bahasa Indonesia and Surabaya dialect of Jav -
anese is the way chosen by the writer to state the solu -
tion for the problem.In order to relate the languages,?
the writer compares the Approximative system to the stan -
dard dialect of Bahasa Indonesia and to Surabaya dialect
of Javanese.The writer,in this case,takes the language
used by TV broadcasters from TVRI St.Pusat Jakarta as the
representative of standard dialect of Bahasa Indonesia.
Next,he takes the language spoken by Kartolo's group as
the representative of Surabaya dialect of Javanese.Final -
ly,he takes the language spoken by six respondents which
is considered as the representative of the Approximative
system of Bahasa Indonesia spoken by ethnic Chinese stud -
ents of Petra Christian University.
There are two steps in analysis.The first is iden -
tification.In identifying the dialect,the writer tries
to find elements of it which seem to be influenced by
Surabaya dialect of Javanese.The second step is classifi -
cation.After identifying elements which may represent the
Javanese influence,the writer classifies them into phono -
logical interference or morphologica1 interference.
Through the analysis,the writer presents Surabaya
dialect of Javanese interference found in the dialect of
Bahasa Indonesia spoken by ethnic Chinese students of
Petra Christian University.The interference is in the
form of phonological interference and morphological inter