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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelSanto Vincentius A Paulo Surabaya Hospital is a company in
medical service sector. The main problem, which appears in the polyclinic
department of the hospital, is the long queue line to wait for paying and
getting the medicine. The queue exists at the counter of the cashier and the
pharmacy, which affects the queueing time of each person becomes high.
The purpose of the Final Paper is to design some alternatives to
reduce the queueing time of a person in the system, at the cashier sector
and the medicine (pharmacy) sector.
The simulation helps a lot to simulate the situation in the hospital.
The simulation is done by using the Promodel 3.0. By using the result of
the simulation, then the model can be analyzed to know which sectors
causes the main problem in the hospital. According to the analysis, the
alternatives to fix the main problem are : to add some operators at the
medicine sector (followed by adding extra room) or to build a computer
network in the polyclinic. Then every alternative can be analyzed with
time analysis and cost analysis.
The conclusion is, the 3 added operators at the pharmacy sector
with the computer network can be the best alternative to reduce the
queueing time, while the second alternative, which costs cheaper, can
reduce the queueing time is by adding 3 operators at the pharmacy sector.