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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis research was undertaken by the summary writer to evaluate the topic of Dimensions of
Brand Personality. This research wanted to measure the five brand personality dimensions (Sincerity,
Excitement, Competence, Sophistication and Ruggedness) so a reliable, valid and generaiizable
measurement scale would be created. The data was obtained from U.S. Bureau of the Census as
identified in 1997. In this research, a framework of brand personality dimensions is developed.
The research used Likert scale (to determine the extent to which a brand can be described by
certain human characteristics), principal components analysis, a varimax rotation scheme and an
unrestricted number of factors to analyze individually, test-retest correlations and Cronbach's Alpha
to determine the degree to which the five brand personality dimensions will yield consistent icsulls
and reliability. The research showed that brand personality-framework and scale developed have
important implications for researchers examining the perceptions of brand personality across cultures
and the summary writer suggest that research not used a lot of methods.