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Improving service quality for a better business performance in Osaka Japans Restaurant

In the hectic business atmosphere of food and beverage operations, owners
and managers constantly ask for a way to solve customer service problems.
`Somewhere`, they say over and over, `there has to be an answer to stopping
customer complaints, increasing table turnovers, and increasing revenues. The
answer they seek is in the statement Increase table turnovers and revenues will
happen automatically if all efforts are focused on eliminating customer
complaints. To put it more simply, the answer is to create satisfied customers.
Elements for successful customer service experience are: food quality, service
quality, pleasant atmosphere, value for price paid.
Your ability to serve food well and quickly will spell the difference
between success and failure in any branch of the industry. Just as the name of our
industry is food service, not food preparation, our ability to produce the most
dollar sales per hour or per employee, or to serve the highest number of meals,
will be the key to your success. Fast service of good food not only will make your
customer happy and contented, but it will also make your sales and profit look
much better. Some of the things we must do to strengthen it and make it work
better are: better planning, complete equipment, more supervision, faster and
better control, more skills.
Service delivery is frequently variable and difficult to standardize because
of the personal nature of the contact between the customer and the service
deliverer. Thus individuals may well vary in their interpretation of customer
needs. Elements of human `chemistry? may interfere with performance, some
individuals may be more personally committed to successful service encounters.
Customer expectations of satisfactory service may vary and be difficult to predict.
Hence it is difficult to say that service delivery is homogeneous, even where the
service is relatively simple. To meet the customer?s satisfaction, it is important to
give good quality service. In the most simplistic sense, quality service is service
which is `good? in the eyes of customer. Competent service should be `good
service?, as defined by customers. It is not always defined that way by
management. Too often staff are given reasons for procedures such as "We do it
this way because it saves time" or "we do it this way because it reduces costs?,
rather than "We do it this way because our customers like it this way?. Competent
service is the application, by employees, of appropriate skills and knowledge to
the performance of a task, the ultimate aim of which is customer satisfaction. Staff
training is too often focused on the need of the organization, instead of the needs
of its customers. The merging of the customer?s perception of `quality service?
and the management perception of what `competent service? looks like occurs
when quality management meets competency-based training in the definition:
Quality service is service, delivered by competent personnel, according to
certain service standard which meets or exceeds customer expectations.
Considering the importance of delivering good quality service in a food
service industry, in this dissertation the writers set some quality service standards
in response to customer needs to improve the service performance that can
increase customer satisfaction which is possible to be implemented in the Osaka
Japans restaurant. These service standards will be implemented in the restaurant?s
daily operation within 6 months, and then to measure whether there is any
improvement in the restaurant?s service performance and also increasement of
guest satisfaction, the writers used questionnaires for the guests to fill and also for
the restaurant staff, to get to know how they feel about their own service
performance after the standards services are conducted in restaurant?s daily
operation. The questionnaires have been spread in 4 weeks. The writers analysed
the data using describe

  • (33499146) MAGDALENA MATILDA
  • K.W. VAN DER HOEK → Supervisors CHN 1
  • HENK BRUINS → Supervisors CHN 2
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2004
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Skripsi No.02010158/HTL/2004; Elvayanti Suprianto (33499023), Magdalena Matilda (33499146)

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